Specialty Ceilings

The term “specialty ceiling” refers to a ceiling that either serves an intended purpose aside from that of a normal ceiling, that purpose often but not always being aesthetic appeal. In addition to ceilings engineered to satisfy particular aesthetic demands, we also specialize in purpose-built ceiling for acoustic or security needs. Our expertise ranges from initial ceiling design all the way to final installation; call on us at any stage of your specialty ceiling project, and we’ll do everything that we can to make it a success.

Aside from aesthetic appeal, many specialty ceilings serve a particular practical purpose; here are just a few reasons to consider using a specialty ceiling in your next construction project:

  • An acoustical ceiling is purpose-built to reduce sound reverberation and provide acoustical absorption while also remaining practical and aesthetically pleasing. Acoustical ceilings are ideal for churches, schools, and similar buildings.
  • A security ceiling is engineered to fulfil the practical role of a normal ceiling, while simultaneously restricting above-ceiling access to those below the security ceiling. Security ceilings are necessary in jails, detention centers, and holding cells across the country.
  • In many cases, our specialty ceiling designs incorporate elements of acoustical dampening even when the design itself is geared towards aesthetic appeal; we’re happy to work with you to create a ceiling design that’s both practical and aesthetically appealing.

In addition to our traditional specialty ceiling offerings, we can also handle custom, purpose-built ceiling design and fabrication, as well as specialty ceiling consulting services.

Our portfolio includes work ranging from small-scale residential construction all the way to large commercial building. Our main office is headquartered in Lawrenceville, Georgia, and we serve over 20 states across the southeast. To schedule an appointment or to request an estimate of costs, give us a call at (770) 776-6989, email us at [email protected], or fill out our Contact Form to get started.
